Diseño sin título(4)

Finally, we come back.

After this time following the Health Department advice, we are happy to announce that next July 1st, we ae going to open for guests. Our establishment reopen to offer great experiences. What will you find?


Diseño sin título(5)

Our hotel open for clients, offering a safe, confortable and quiet stay. 5 minutes from Valencia, avoid crowds and enjoy a summer with historic heritage in Valencia and close to Alboraya’s beach.

Book your stay here

Safety Measures

Disinfection and cleaning

  • Disinfection and cleaning of entire building
  • Complete disinfection of the room after use.
  • Elimination or sanitization of elements susceptible to infection by manipulation, such as the TV remote control, or decorative elements such as cushions, plaids, etc.
  • Advise of safety measures with flyers and posters
  • Disinfection of access cards after us
  • Use of alternate rooms to facilitate social distance.


  • Protection screens in reception and contact points.
  • Hydroalcoholic Gel Dispensers and disposable handkerchiefs in Reception, elevators and contact points
  • Advise of safety measures with flyers and posters
  • Use of Check in Online, already online in our website to minimize the contat in Reception.
  • Restriction of use of elevators to the family unit.

Hotel Staff

  • Specific training in Covd-19.
  • Use os mask and personal equipment to prevent

Flexible Booking Policy

If you have a reservation, and you won’t be able to travel in these dates,  don’t cancel it.  You can postpone your reservation from our website. Postpone it without definitive dates, from intranet website.
In the end of the website, you will find: My Booking. Introduce the Reservation Code and PIN Code  that you received in the confirmation email you received when you made your reservation.


  • We will offer a Continental Breakfast, adapted to actual situation, keeping safety measures.
    capacity limited to the maximum allowed
  • Individual plating
  • Single-dose formats
  • Use of disposable tablecloths and napkins.
  • Hydroalcoholic Gel Dispenser at the entrance
  • Cleaning intensification on counters, bars and tables.


  • Capacity adapted to the maximum allowed
  • Hydroalcoholic Gel Dispenser at the entrance
  • Cleaning intensification on counters, bars and tables.
  • Lunch and dinners will be a served menu, to keep social distance.


  • Capacity adapted to the maximum allowed
  • Hydroalcoholic Gel Dispenser at the entrance
  • Cleaning intenification
  • Swimming pool self-control protocols (PAP) and current water treatment effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi, and do not allow the transmission of covid-19.


  • Capacity adapted to the maximun allowed
  • Use of personal tower will be required
  • The changing rooms may be used following the recommended social distance measures
  • Users will can book training lessons with an app